Have You Discovered The Healing Properties Of Crystal Jewellery?
Fashion trends come and go, but one that has lasted for centuries is that of crystals.
It’s not hard to understand why crystal jewellery is as popular as it has ever been, as it’s not so much how pretty the different gems look on rings, bracelets or necklaces, but how they make us feel.
For centuries, crystals have been known for their healing qualities, with each one offering a unique way to protect, motivate and nourish the wearer.
They work with our individual energy, known as Chakras, helping to heal the physical body and ease mental and emotional wellbeing.
Each type of stone has a unique order of atoms and vibration, which impact electrical charge, light refraction and our own energies.
They work like magnets, absorbing negative emotions, while at the same time, promoting positive feelings, improving concentration, boosting creativity, and aiding emotional cleansing.
The first reference to the use of crystals is from the 4th Century BC by the Ancient Sumerians, and they have also featured heavily in Chinese Medicine for the last 5,000 years.
Needless to say, they are not a new phenomena, and their popularity as an effective healing aid has endured all this time.
As there are so many types of crystals, there are various different ways they can heal the body.
The beautiful purple crystal amethyst, for instance, is thought to cultivate spiritual wisdom; the baby pink rose quartz is the crystal of love; and the navy blue lapis lazuli relieves stress.
People love crystals as they can always find one that suits their needs at the time, such as trying to achieve more mental clarity, be more forgiving, or wanting the nervous system to calm down.
The good news is there are countless crystals to choose from, each with their unique characteristics, so take a look at what we have available to see if any would be perfect for you right now.
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