How To Check Your Wedding Ring Size Is Correct
Imagine the scenario: You and your beloved have got one of the most important pieces of jewellery anyone will ever wear, an engagement ring, or two, in the form of your wedding rings. You are sure you have got the sizes right.
Yet, on one or more of these occasions, something is wrong. It is either far too tight or so loose it could slide off and be lost at any moment.
There is, of course, a potentially even worse scenario; you get the measurements so wrong that on your wedding day, right in front of all your friends and family, just as you say your vows, the ‘I give you this ring’ bit goes wrong, as it just won’t squeeze on at all. Suffice to say, this is not a mistake you will ever want to make.
At best, you have the inconvenience of having to send your ring or rings to be re-sized. At worst, a loose ring is going to fall off at the worst moment and be lost, which considering its sentimental value, is the last thing you want. Lose it while gardening and you’ll be very lucky to see it again - unless a magic carrot helps you out.
This risk is probably larger for men’s rings, because men tend to wear them less than women, while you will only need your wedding finger measured once. By contrast, if a woman’s ring finger is measured incorrectly, this can be fixed for the engagement ring and at that point, you will at least know the right size for the wedding.
Of course, a jeweller can measure your finger for you, but it can be done accurately at home, provided you know how to do it right.
This can be done by taking a narrow strip of paper and wrapping it around your finger just above the knuckle. Make sure it is wrapped tightly. Use a pen to mark where the ends meet. Then, after unravelling the strip, mark the distance between one end and the mark in mm, or on a ring sizer. This will tell you how big it is.
it is important to bear in mind one possible snag; that your finger circumference can vary. This can depend on very temporary factors like the temperature, time of day or reactions to certain foods or medications. Other variables can include weight gain, pregnancy or hormonal shifts.
The best thing to do is establish what the size is when the circumference is wider, as at least a ring that is too large can get on your finger, whereas one too small won’t - the doomsday scenario on your big day.
On occasions when the ring is rather loose, you can either wear a plastic adjuster underneath to hold it in place or take it off at certain times, such as if you are gardening and don’t have any carrots willing to find it.
Should there be a more permanent change, you may want to get it re-sized, but that can be for the future after years of it being just fine now - and fitting perfectly on your wedding day.
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