What Are The Most PopularSilver feathers?

Charm bracelets have been popular for years, with people adding meaningful pendants to their chain to create a complete reflection of their lives and personalities. 

While certain charms might mean more to some than others, such as Mickey Mouse, a paw print, or a flag, there are others that have a more universal significance thanks to their spiritual meaning. 

The Hamsa Hand

The Hamsa Hand, for instance, has been in existence for thousands of years, providing protection from evil. 

It stems from the Middle East and has meaning for both Jews and Muslims, warding off negative energies and providing peace to the wearer. 

People still wear the Hamsa Hand to symbolise peace, particularly among the often warring religions. 

Some people also believe the five digits on the hand connect to different chakras, including the solar plexus, heart, throat, and sacral chakras, and the ethereal, air, water and earth elements.

Aum symbol

The Aum symbol is equally as famous, but originates from Hinduism. It was created at the beginning of time and, therefore, symbolises the universe. 

The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal describes Aum as: “Whatsoever has existed, whatsoever exists, whatsoever shall exist hereafter, is [Aum]. And whatsoever transcends past, present, and future, that is also [Aum].”

It represents the Aum sound, which is thought to have rung out when the world was first created and stands for the three aspects of God, Brahma (A), Vishu (U), and Shiva (M). 

Aum, often pronounced as Om, is said at the beginning and end of Hindu prayers and chants. 

It is also used in Buddhism, which is why it is well known for its inclusion in yoga, and many people who practise it are fans of wearing Om charms.  

The Cross

The cross means a lot to Christians, as they believe it represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 

It also reminds believers of what he died for, and the teachings he left behind. 

According to Oak Ridge Baptist Church: “To most Christians, the cross represents the greatest sacrifice ever made and the assurance of salvation.”

Many Christians wear the cross on a necklace, as this makes them feel closer to their faith, while it is also a constant reminder of the things Jesus stood for - his love for God, and his love for others. 

Silver feathers

Although not affiliated to one particular religion like the other symbols, silver feathers still offer a spiritual meaning. 

They represent a message from a higher power, coming down from the sky. Therefore, they symbolise spiritual ascension for the wearer. 

Some people believe the presence of a white feather means a guardian angel or a loved one who has passed away is nearby, as it could be a message sent from them. 

So having one around your neck or wrist can make people feel closer to their faith or the person they have lost. 

Anyone who has not been brought up in a particular religion but believes in something more might choose to symbolise this by wearing a silver feather charm. 

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